Friday, September 25, 2009
A quiet moment...
OK that lasted literally 2minutes before my little refluxing guy started fussing. I'll come back to blogging in awhile...
It's been about 5 minutes & I'm back. Landon is now in my arms and the phone has rang twice. One call was my husband asking about dinner. It is friday so I'm thinking take out! I have some how managed to cook meals every night this week. So tonight I won't feel so bad. I did see the clock EVERY hour last night & have dusted the house in between feeding every 2 to 3 hours for BOTH boys. (Logan is tube fed every 3 hours.) done a load of laundry, Logan's homeschool & I know I've changed at least 15 diapers since we got up this morning. I even got the beds made before noon. Landon is dressed and Logan has had his bath. That calls for a 5 minute blog break and take out don't you think?
This has been a pretty calm day for us. Logan hasn't been to gaggy & hasn't thrown any BIG fits. Landon has done great and I'm... well not really sure. I'm to tired to know.
I talk to my mom & she plans on comming up Tuesday. She is going to watch the boys so I can go to bible study with Jaimi. I am SO Excited!!! It's going to be a GREAT relief & will be great to fellowship with the women. I need that!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sweet Feet

Speaking of feet... did you know there are other ways of walking besides on your feet?

Here is a cute picture of Landon giving his opinion on the matter.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Labor day weekend was the first time he smiled at us. Now he is smiling all the time. He has giggled out 3 times and gets excited when we talk to him. Today when I talked to him he gave me the biggest smiles and started cooing at me. He is the sweetest little guy. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. Here are some... well alot of updated pics of our little man. I couldn't choose what pics to post so I added them all. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Just another sweet picture of our little Landon.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Logan's first week of school...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Labor Day Weekend...
Before we left town we stopped to get gas and we saw a road runner running across the parking lot. It was funny to me so I wanted to take a picture. John and Josh are always making fun of Jaimi and me for wanting to take pictures of stupid things to post on our blogs. We get a kick out of it. So this one is for you guys. HA. (Jaimi make sure you show this to Josh.)

Landon's first time to go to church. We went to my Moms church. This is were John and I got married. Priceless... First time to see Great Great Grandma Vaughn. That makes 5 generations! We went to the nursing home to visit her and she was so happy to see us. In this picture Landon looks alot like I did as a baby.
Cousin Brandon feeding Landon. Him and his Brother Justin both ask to take Landon home with them.
Cousin Justin feeding Landon. He ask to take Landon home with him. I ask him how he would be able to feed him since I was nursing.... He told me he had to Hefers that could make milk for him. We all laughed.
Pictures of my children with their grandparents are one of my favorite things. They always look so sweet. First time Grandpa Bill held Landon.
John and Logan doing the GUY stuff! They both were excited to go ride the 4-wheeler at my Uncle Brads. When they would stop to get off Logan would keep signing MORE MORE.
Uncle Brad has all the fun stuff~ Logan got to ride the 4-wheeler and Autumn's Horse. He had lots of fun.
Grandma's and Babies

Sleeping standing up...

Landon's Bath
He wasn't happy about it at first...

Bath time is over but I think Landon is already looking forward to the next bath in his tub.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
just an update...