I have had a really hard time finding the time to update my blog. Here are updates from the month of October.
We went to Mrs. Rebecca's pumpkin patch. It was set up so cute.
I love this picute of John and Logan. They were picking out a baby pumpkin for Landon.
As you can see in this picture, Logan was able to sit on the bike without any support. He has gained so much trunk control. YEA Logan!!!
What a fun silly picture!
Logan and his daddy. Don't John and Logan look so much alike?

Here is Landon and little graffie. It's a perfect carseat toy. It chimes and has little taggies on it. He loves it. It's the cutest little toy.
Landon is able to hold his head up really well now when he is on his tummy. Doesn't he look so handsome?
Yep he's already 3 months old. WOW how time flies!
He's able to sit up well in his bumbo seat. I love the BUMBO.
Jackson and Logan at Cubbies.

Mr. Bobbie was giving Logan stickers for saying his verse and doing his workbook. Jackson was helping Logan put his stickers in his workbook. Thank you Jackson for all your help. Logan is so lucky to have such a GREAT cousin. Good Job Logan for working so hard in Cubbies. I know you make Jesus smile!
This is Logan's favorite time at cubbies... MUSIC. He loves music!

This is a funny story... For Halloween we got Logan a fireman costume. I was going to dress Landon up like a dalmation but couldn't find a costume. So I was tring to come up with something that would match Logan. This is an outfit that was on Logan's selfhelp dress me doll Eddie. You know the dolls that you tie, button, zip, buckle ect. So I tried the outfit on Landon. It was snugg & I knew since we still had about 3 weeks til halloween it wouldn't fit. I couldn't resist not taking some pics. He was just too cute.
I don't have little girls to dress up but I've still found ways to have fun dressing up my boys! lol
Landon has Binky, Graffie and his Razorback hat and he's ready to go.
I had all my dining chairs moved from round the table so I could sweep and mop. Logan kept crawling around and around and around the table. He had so much fun and it was a good 10 minuites worth of entertainment.

We were decorating a pumpkin for cubbies. Logan was patting on playdough to make his pumpkin look like a fish bowl.
He was having lots of fun decorating his pumpkin.
Logan gave me such a GREAT smile in this picture.
Logan acts like the five little monkeys jumping on the bed... He even falls off sometimes and bumps his head. silly Logan. BOYS will be BOYS! ha.