Jaimi and I are very close to one another. (Sometimes a little too close.) We talk about 50x a day. We are only 11 months apart in age. She lives about 15 mins. from me and we are both stay at moms with the sweetest little BOYS. They are only 2 years apart (AND WE ARE BOTH PREGNANT!!!!) She's having a little GIRL due in about 3 weeks and I am having a little BOY expected at the end of July! We are both so excited, but have decided we will NOT be going on weekday shopping trips together with 2 boys ages 3&5 and 2 new babies. We thought it was tough before. IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE!!! We will just stick to yard sales on the weekends. It's really nice to have Jaimi so close in age and to live by. She is so great to help me out when I need it! She is truely a wonderful sister!!!!

Then there's Jill "LULU"... our baby sister who 3 years younger than me. Of course we feel like we have to look out and take care of her. Jill has been married for 3 years and has 2 "furry babies"
Rosco and Sissy. I don't get to talk to her 50x a day because she's always working, but we still find time to talk and are close. She works full time and is going back to school to be a teacher. I love talking to Jill because she's so funny. She will call with a story or to ask me a question that just makes me laugh. Like... this recipe calls for soda but what kind of soda should I use? ... UM... baking soda Jill.... OH I thought they meant soda "pop." Good thing her husband isn't picky and is so easy going. Something else hilarious to me is she has the hardest time with her wood floors. She will call and say "how do I get these streaks off my floors".... I have mopped 5x with different cleaners and have tried EVERY mop I have and nothing works. She really has like 5 or 6 mops for her floor. I've thrown out a few suggestions to her but nothing has worked yet. I'm not sure if it's the mops, cleaners, floors or the person doing the work. (If anyone has any tips for her i'm sure she would love the advice.) She is the type of person everyone likes and gets along with. I love Jilly Bean!

Starla is our oldest sister. Our mom married her dad when I was about 10 so we didn't really grow up with her, but we have always gotten along really well. Probably better than Jaimi, Jill, and I did growing up. She was already married and had a 3 year old little boy when our parents got married. I was so excited to become an aunt. I always like to be called Aunt Jessica. It made me feel big. Starla has 2 handsome boys 20 and 15 and a beautiful little girl that is 5. She is such a great mother to her children and is so involved with their lives. She is really good at decorating and her and her little girl LOVE shopping. She is a fun person to be around. I always like talking to her and catching up on whats going on. We have a lot of the same interests.

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