Tuesday I was getting Logan up to get ready for therapy. I pulled back the covers and seen his button laying in the bed. His button is what is SUPPOSED to be in his tummy. That's how he eats. I rolled him over to check his tummy to see if I would be able to put it back in. But the hole it goes through had closed up! We are normally able to change the button out ourselves. If the button is left out for very long the hole in his tummy closes up on it's own. Naturally heals like your ears would if you just pierced them and took out the earring. We have been lucky that this has never happened before. A lot of kids even pull theirs out. Logan does really well with his and never messes with it. There is a balloon of water that holds the button in place. The balloon got a hole in it and deflated. I was in a PANIC!!! We hurried up got ready and went to the surgery clinic. It was around 9:00. Logan wasn't able to eat or get his morning meds. We got to the clinic and the doctor tried to put the button back in. The hole in his tummy had closed up to far and it was going to be VERY painful for Logan. I requested they put Logan to sleep. I didn't want him to go through the pain. The doctor had to jab a pin like object into his tummy where the hold closed up. He said he would try to find an O.R. room at one of the hospitals and get us in a.s.a.p. We were able to go straight over to Northwest Medical Center in Bentonville. They were GREAT! We just had to wait on the doctor. The doctor got there around 1:30 and they took Logan back. He did good up until then. He didn't want us to leave him and he knew something was fixing to happen. They took him back and gave him some gas and did the procedure. It only took about 10 mins. and we were able to go back with him. We got back there and he was so upset and in pain. The gas didn't do anything for him. Thank God it was over!!! I just hate that it has to be so painful for him. Logan was released that same day. We got home about 2:30 and he was able to eat and get his meds. John got him to calm down and go to sleep. When he woke up he was back to feeling much much better. He has been doing well with his feeds and the button if FIXED!
Praise the Lord~ We did get some good news at that visit~ Logan is starting to gain some his weight back. We had to go up his calories about a month ago. We had went to the doctor & found out Logan had been losing. Last summer he weighed around 37lbs. At his check up a month ago he only weighed 31 lbs. We knew he was looking thinner but just thought he was growing taller. He is now up to 33lbs. Keep gaining Logan!!!
Wednesday~ We just stayed home to recover and had therapy. OT comes to our home on Wednesdays which is GREAT!
Thursday~ Went to therapy ot and speech.
Friday~ Logan got to start hippa therapy back. (Horse Therapy) He had soooo much fun and did great! We made the appointment later in the evening so John can go with us. He was so EXCITED to get to see Logan ride. He got called out to work and ended up not being able to go with us. But I told him we would take pictures and he's planning to go next week. He's looking forward to it I know.
Saturday~ Logan had baseball game. We got our uniforms in & the kids looked SO cute! Logan had a BLAST! He loves John pushing him really fast to the bases.

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