Yes, The Lord has done Amazing things for us! What Joy! Psalm 126:3

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some Things Logan Loves...

Here are some updated pictures of Logan doing things he LOVES. He is VERY busy these days! He is ALL BOY...

LOVES TRUCKS... John got him/them this remote truck & they LOVE playing with it together.

BOOKS BOOKS AND MORE BOOKS...For Christmas Mrs. Linda (Logan's PT) got him a $15 gift card to Barnes and Noble. She couldn't have gotten him a better gift. He LOVES books.
Jaimi and Josh watched Landon & we took Logan out for a fun night to use his gift card. He was able to get 4 books with his gift card. Needless to say they were having a really great sale on books. He was so EXCITED & we had a GREAT time with him. He likes to lay in the floor and rock back and forth. As you can see he was having lots of fun! It's the simple things that make him smile. Sometimes I try to OVERCOMPENSATE to made up for the things he cannot do but I'm learning to just keep it simple.
Another one of his favorite things to do is to wrestle with Jackson.
Logan is really getting to be such a BIG boy & doing lots BIG boy stuff. We are very proud of him & thank God for putting him in our lives.

Monday, January 25, 2010

6 Months Old

Our sweet little guy is already 6 months old! The time has went by SO fast! We enjoy having him in our lives so much. What a blessing he truly is!!!

Here is John and Landon taking a nap together. It was so sweet.
Here is John & Landon cuddling after bath.
Landon taking his very first bites of cereal. He loved it and wanted more.

Holding my own bottle.
Here is Landon all bundled up after bath. He looks so cozy and sweet.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter fun... and staying warm

John and Logan went out sledding. I stood at the door and took lots of pictures. It was so fun watching them and they had a BLAST! Again another first for Logan... He played out in the snow and was able to sled. He really is being able to tolerate so much more now. They were out there for about 30 minutes. We didn't have a sled so we used Logan's turtle sandbox lid. It worked out perfect. It worked probably better than a normal sled because Logan had lots of room.Logan was laughing so hard in this pic.
They were going down our road here.

John stayed warm lifting Logan and got a work out for sure. He loved every minute of it too!
Love this picture of Logan.
He thought it was the funnest thing to fall in the snow.
Down the hill they go...
Logan liked crawling in the snow too!
This is such a sweet picture of them.
Bye... Bye...
Staying in a staying warm...
Logan and Jackson watching TV
Landon and Jordan playing together.
I thought this was a pretty cool picture of Logan.
We were reading books. Both boys love books. Staying home is hard at times but I feel very blessed that I am able to. I love times like these with the boys and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.This is one of Landon's favorite toys.
Logan is helping Landon swing.Jordan Kate. She gave the camera a BIG smile. She's so sweet! Notice how she's sitting... Already practicing for Cheer leading.

Jackson uses Logan's safety goggles for his tool set as swim goggles. It's really cute. Kids are so funny. Jackson is always saying something funny to make us laugh.
Logan and Landon. Landon has his favorite rattle.

Logan's staying warm and enjoying his Christmas Break from school work!
Logan playing in his room.
I made a tent for Logan and he had so much fun.
Mommy and Landon at bath time.
Landon thinks John is so funny.

Landon~ tummy time.
Here are some updates from Christmas...

This is a picture of what one of our Christmas trees looked like before Logan pulled it over...

Here is the after pic.

Logan & I made this paper chain as one of our Christmas Art projects. The 2 little mice you see on the tree below the chain Jackson got for Logan and Landon. It's so cute. We collect ornaments every year and put them all on our SPECIAL tree.

Here is Logan's frosty puppet we made. We have a book we sing along with and Logan would hold his frosty and make him dance. He got such a kick out of it!

It is my VERY SPECIAL oranment Jackson picked out just for Aunt Jessie. I LOVE it and will keep it forever Jackson.

Logan and John were writing a letter for santa to leave by his cookie and milk.
Cookie & milk for santa along with their letter.
Christmas morning Logan ready to open his presents.

He was SOOOO EXCITED as you can see!!! This was the first yeat he opened his own presents and was excited. It was so sweet! I think this was one of our BEST Christmas ever!
LOVE this pic.
Priase Jesus & HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I told Logan that Jesus is so loving and giving he gives us his Birthday gifts.
John was so excited too!

Aunt Jill and Landon. Shes getting practice for her NEW arrival! Yep Jill and Rusty are EXPECTING and we are SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! I'm guessing it's going to be a GIRL.
Papa, Grandma, Logan and Landon. This is there first group pic together.
Papa and Landon. One of my most favorite places to be when I was a little girl was with my Grandpa. I guess that's why I always think pictures with the grandparents are SO SWEET!

John and Logan Jamn to Logan's new gituar. I think they will go pro one day. Just keep up all the practicing and don't give up boys! ha

Aunt Marilyn Logan and Autumn.

My little buddy Jackson.
LOVE this pictire of sweet little Jordan. Look at those BIG blue eyes! She's so sweet I call her sugar.

Aunt Jill... AKA Lulu and Logan.
Landon and Logan playing together. They are so sweet together. Logan does really well with him.

Landon was so suprised to see his present or that baby looking at him in the mirror.

Logan got a shave kit and had so much fun in the bath with it. usually the foam would have gagged him but not anymore! He is making so much progress.
Papa and Logan
Our sweet little Landon. He really looks alot like me when I was a baby.