John and Logan went out sledding. I stood at the door and took lots of pictures. It was so fun watching them and they had a BLAST! Again another first for Logan... He played out in the snow and was able to sled. He really is being able to tolerate so much more now. They were out there for about 30 minutes. We didn't have a sled so we used Logan's turtle sandbox lid. It worked out perfect. It worked probably better than a normal sled because Logan had lots of room.

Logan was laughing so hard in this pic.

They were going down our road here.

John stayed warm lifting Logan and got a work out for sure. He loved every minute of it too!

Love this picture of Logan.

He thought it was the funnest thing to fall in the snow.

Down the hill they go...

Logan liked crawling in the snow too!

This is such a sweet picture of them.
Bye... Bye...

Staying in a staying warm...
Logan and Jackson watching TV

Landon and Jordan playing together.

I thought this was a pretty cool picture of Logan.

We were reading books. Both boys love books. Staying home is hard at times but I feel very blessed that I am able to. I love times like these with the boys and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

This is one of Landon's favorite toys.

Logan is helping Landon swing.

Jordan Kate. She gave the camera a BIG smile. She's so sweet! Notice how she's sitting... Already practicing for Cheer leading.

Jackson uses Logan's safety goggles for his tool set as swim goggles. It's really cute. Kids are so funny. Jackson is always saying something funny to make us laugh.

Logan and Landon. Landon has his favorite rattle.

Logan's staying warm and enjoying his Christmas Break from school work!

Logan playing in his room.
I made a tent for Logan and he had so much fun.

Mommy and Landon at bath time.

Landon thinks John is so funny.

Landon~ tummy time.
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