John turned the BIG 30,
Landon Brice is doing all kinds of new things.
Yes I said it... Logan is starting BIG school this fall. He will be in first grade at public school. We are all so excited and YES I am VERY nervous. I have been doing lots of praying to get prepared for this. I know Logan is 100% ready! We went to visit the school he will be attending. Logan LOVED it. He got right down with the kids and was ready to play. The teacher he will have is AMAZING!!! They have such a WONDERFUL program for more severe children with special needs.Wheelchairs, Gait trainers, Feeding tubes and nonverbal kiddo's aren't intimidating to them. Which made us feel really good. There are only 10 kids in the classroom with a Special Ed teacher, 2 aids and a nurse. Which by the way is the same nurse who cared for me in recovery when I had Landon. She has also taken care of Logan when he had his button (feeding tube) replaced. She is a VERY sweet Lady. Isn't wonderful how the Lord allows everything to fall into place!

John turned the big 30! His theme was "time flies" It was a perfect theme for his gift. He has always wanted to get his pilot's license so I got him flight lessons. He was so excited! Logan and Landon got him a bike. Grandma and Grandpa came to celebrate with us. We had a cookout and got a cookie cake from Great American Cookie Factory. It was YUMMY! Grandpa enjoyed the cookie so much his sugar level was 170 something. Thanks G-ma & G-pa for coming to celebrate John's birthday with us. We had lots of fun!

Landon Brice is growing so big! He is 9months old and has 3 teeth. The 4th one is on it's way! He is babbling crawling & getting into things. Plays patty cake, peek-a-boo & gives sweet sweet kisses. He has to have paci and cuddle with Mickey to go to sleep. Wakes up 2 times at night. He loves bath time and going on walks. He thinks Daddy and Logan are so funny. He is a BIG mommy's boy and I have to admit I love it! It has been so much fun seeing him develop and hit his milestones. Landon you make mommy smile!

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