Speaking of Love did you know...

My sister Jaimi @ http://everydayedwards.blogspot.com/ has just published her FIRST Christian Children's book called Silly Sock. It is SO cute!

From February 14th to February 28th, 50% of all proceeds from the sale of the children's book "Silly Sock" will be donated to Arkansas Children's Hospital in Honor of Logan Grant Villines.
(As in the 25 week.11oz. baby that spent 19 weeks at ACH.)
To purchase books, you may visit http://www.sillysockbook.com or http://www.authorhouse.com/. Our goal is to raise $1400.00 in 14 days. You may also donate books directly to the children of Arkansas Children's Hospital. If you wish to donate a book or books to them, please purchase books at http://www.sillysockbook.com/ and put Arkansas Children's Hospital, 1 slot 661 Children’s Way, Little Rock, AR 72202-3591 as the address you would like the book shipped to when you make the purchase online. If you have any questions or would like to participate in helping raise funds for Arkansas Children's Hospital, please contact Jaimi at jaimi@sillysockbook.com
Here are a few pictures below of Logan at ACH

Logan at 3 days old

This is a picture of him taken just before we went home form the NICU. He weighed 3lbs. 14oz. And I thought he was SO BIG!

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