For sometime now we have been searching for a Church we could call home. We have tried out a couple churches in our area but none of them felt "right". We have now found a church & everything is so right! I really feel the Lord has lead us here. He has shown us so many little details about it that are SO RIGHT!
It has been difficult for us as a family to attend church. Logan pretty much has to have a one on one person with him most of the time. Meaning John and I hardly ever get to attend church together. He also has to be able to "handle" where he is.
(anyone that has a special needs or "Autistic" child understands what I mean :0) ...
If you do have an autistic or special needs child or know someone that struggles with these same issues don't give up on God! He doesn't give up on you. I can tell you from experience... Keep serving the Lord. Pray that he will lead you to somewhere that will work for your family. He does Love and care about you! Not everywhere you go people "accept" your challenges. But there really ARE people who care! Pray Pray Pray and don't give up!
So last week we had VBS at Our Church. I am SO excited and Praise God for our "New Family." Everyone there LOVES and accepts Logan. It's GREAT!!!! I am so GRATEFUL and this has been a HUGE answer to my prayers. PRAISE THE LORD!
He really liked the music but got mad when it went off.
Logan and some of his new friends.
The playground is even handicap accessible! The Lord even works out the smallest details! Isn't it GREAT!
Which is actually a big deal to Logan.
Wednesday night the BIG surprise was HOT AIR balloon rides. It was really fun!
thanks for your help. Your blog contain lots of information for many people...
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