Yes, The Lord has done Amazing things for us! What Joy! Psalm 126:3

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My favorite pictures of Logan...

Since we are doing a fundraiser in honor of Logan to raise money for


(check out the details at )

I thought I would post some(A LOT) of my favorite pictures of Logi from these last 7 years.

These pictures say it all... They are defiantly worth a million words!

We are beyond blessed! Logan is amazing!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Day...

Our Valentine's

This was one of my favorite Valentine's I have ever had! I was SO busy the whole day decorating our house for John and the boys. I couldn't WAIT for them to see their party.

Logan was so EXCITED when he saw all the party decorations. He LOVES parties! He had a HUGE smile and crawled around the house looking at everything.
John got home and was SO surprised. I loved seeing his reaction to everything. I love giving surprises! You have to know John is THE HARDEST PERSON EVER to SURPRISE!
He was really EXCITED! I never dress up. LIKE DRESSY Dressy up. So I did for him. I wore a little black dress. I thought it was funny when he said he felt under dressed. I told him it was ok we were just at home and I was still barefoot. But he went and put on a sweater. It was cute.

I had like 25 candles. I was a little afraid I was going to burn the house down. I have been known to have to call the fire dept. before...

When John and I first got married we had our first little home. I didn't like anything to be out of place so I put the krispy kreme doughnut box in the oven. Later turned on the oven. There was smoke EVERYWHERE!!!!! Lets just say those doughnuts for definitely KRISPY! HA

John was feeling lots of LOVE!

Logan and Landon got their daddy some candy and oreo's. (Landons Favorite)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love is in the air....

Speaking of Love did you know...
My sister Jaimi @ has just published her FIRST Christian Children's book called Silly Sock. It is SO cute!
From February 14th to February 28th, 50% of all proceeds from the sale of the children's book "Silly Sock" will be donated to Arkansas Children's Hospital in Honor of Logan Grant Villines.
(As in the 25 week.11oz. baby that spent 19 weeks at ACH.)
To purchase books, you may visit or Our goal is to raise $1400.00 in 14 days. You may also donate books directly to the children of Arkansas Children's Hospital. If you wish to donate a book or books to them, please purchase books at and put Arkansas Children's Hospital, 1 slot 661 Children’s Way, Little Rock, AR 72202-3591 as the address you would like the book shipped to when you make the purchase online. If you have any questions or would like to participate in helping raise funds for Arkansas Children's Hospital, please contact Jaimi at

Here are a few pictures below of Logan at ACH

Logan at 3 days old

This is a picture of him taken just before we went home form the NICU. He weighed 3lbs. 14oz. And I thought he was SO BIG!

Winter fun with LOTS of SNOW...

We have had SO MUCH snow the last few weeks! We went out to play and had some fun!
You can see the look on Logan's face how much fun he was having.
John has gotten some good exercise pulling and carrying Logi around.
Landon LOVED the snow too!
Logan and me sledding
My sweet little snow baby.
Logan saying Hi to everyone.
Logan liked crawling in the snow.
I LOVE pictures of John and my boys together. They are BIG daddy's boys!
I feel like Arkansas is a GREAT place to live. We get a little of everything. Just enough snow in the winter. Hot summers and the spring and fall weather where the temps aren't to hot or to cold.
After all I am the type of person who likes change.
I thank The Lord for the changing seasons in my life. Especially those tough ones! Amen?